Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Bedsheet Sufficiency Formula

The following is the first in a series of attempts at solving the world's problems using math that I'm developing on my whiteboard. Enjoy!

The Bedsheet Sufficiency Formula


B = 1.25[(lw) + Σ(πr2h)n]


B is the size of the blanket or sheet required to cover all people in the bed.

lw is the standard area formula for a quadrangle, in this case, the sheet.

πr2h is the formula for the area of a cylinder, in this case, a crude approximation of a person.

n is the fact that this formula works for any number of persons in the bed, to be added in sum.


I am often victimized by the nefarious sheet-stealers who have ruined countless nights of my sleep. In an attempt to remedy frigid nights in the future, I have developed this formula to ensure the warmth of generations of sleepers to come. Huzzah!

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