Thursday, September 22, 2011

Top 10 R.E.M. +ballad sandwich

As a longtime fan, it seemed like a good time as any to do a list. Trying to rank these would be just too much.

1) Begin the Begin

2) Wendell Gee/Find The River/Perfect Circle

3) Get Up

4) The One I Love

5) Fall On Me

6) Sitting Still

7) Pretty Persuasion

8) Wolves, Lower

9) Texarkana

10) Leave

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Silent Sunday's 10

1) The Smiths were essentially a joke band aping on 60's girl groups and hyperbolizing misery for amusement. Got it?

2) My copy of Minor Threat's Complete Discography has a scratch. I'm not happy about this.

3) Some times are completely incapable of satisfaction.

4) Coldplay fails as a band because they lack soul... and they're plagiarists.

5) Fleet Foxes are interesting for about 90 seconds then it just gets boring. It was easily one of the most boring shows ever.

6) If the Eagles tour in 2012, you know the apocalypse is nigh.

7) Cat Stevens is better than Yusef Islam.

8) I know all the cool kids love The Doors, but I kind of think they were trying to be cool for coolness sake. (file under: Velvet Underground, U2, etc.)

9) Matthew Sweet and Tori Amos have records coming out. Is it 1993?

10) Although I like Bjork, really, I only love Medulla. Of course I'll still check out Biophilia.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

10 Rainy Thursday Edition vol 2

1) Seriously, another rainy thursday?

2) Gearing up for a quiet weekend.

3) Sitting.

4) What can a person do with a pint of tomatoes and more on the way?

5) Time to bring the dwarf plants inside.

6) I guess winter is coming up fast.

7) Chores, anyone?

8) Feels kind of sorry for Boston.

9) Baked Coconut soon.

10)A life of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches wouldn't be so bad.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

10 x 2

What was
1) Always constantly building, but never finished.
2) Cat Stevens
3) Frustration
4) Static Friction
5) Joy Division/New Order
6) Potatoes
7) Time
8) 2
9) Hidden

What will be
1) Getting the job done
2) Yusef Islam
3) Acceptance
4) Kinetic Friction
5) Nothing
6) Potato Skins
7) Energy
8) 1 (I dunno about you, but I blame the economy for this!)
9) Revealed

Monday, September 12, 2011

Everything Must Go

Everything Must Go is Will Ferrell's attempt at understated drama. It reminds me of Steve Carell in 'Dan in Real Life' or Jim Carrey in 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' or Steve Martin in 'Shopgirl'. Like it's compatriots, Everything Must Go take Will Ferrell out of straight comedy into an exploration of sadness. What we find in EMG is what we find in the other films--these comedy actors can act outside their medium and should probably spend more time exploring other genres. If it doesn't work out, there's always 'Elf 3:scrapping the bottom of Santa's bag' Perhaps, these actors are taking a page from Tom Hanks' playbook by transitioning from trivial comedy to heavier films. Fortunately, Ferrell, Carell, and Carrey all have far more range than Hanks' 'everyman persona'.

So, needless to say, Ferrell is refreshing in this role. It reminds me somewhat of Bill Murray's turn in 'Broken Flowers' where a man of a certain age finds his life has turned on its ear and he is left with the choice to continue the journey or lay passed out on the front lawn forever. Eventually, Ferrell makes the choice that Hollywood demands, but like any good understated film it doesn't give us a happy ending with a bow, but a glimmer of hope that life must go on.

What I do not entirely like about the film is the complete ruthlessness of the unseen estranged wife. Ferrell is taken by surprise at every turn. If I came home drunk as can be and found the locks changed, I'm breaking in. Ferrell has to stay on the lawn or there is no film.

In the end, this film is much more enjoyable if you've had a couple drinks beforehand.

My Score 3/5

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sunday's Spiritual 10

I'd be sorely amiss not to do a theme 10, and what better one for a sunday?

1) Confession: More than anything else, I really enjoy translating Hebrew Bible texts. More than going to church, even. I know that's nuts.

2) I do miss being in a worship band. It was always spontaneous.

3) Although I prefer to keep quiet, I sure do like a good religion debate.

4) It is easier to get it wrong than it is to get it right. It is even easier to think we have it right than it is to realize we have it wrong.

5) Issue-oriented theology is tiresome because it isn't really focusing on the business of God so much as trying to massage the hot button issue of the day.

6) I suspect that God might really want every day to be like Sunday. Religion has been so compartmentalized that sometimes the routine seems like a rut. Shake it up, please.

7) At my core I'm an extreme liberation theologian with prelapsarian tendencies. What this means is that I see God as our liberator, as depicted in Exodus. It also means that I think the world would be a better place if we spent a bit more time communing with nature in the prelapse sense of being naked and vegetarian.

8) I don't think anything is too taboo for God.

9) I fear that an overly tedious doctrine structure only complicates the chief role of the church.

10) Size does matter in church. How can people in the cheap seats hear? I think smaller is better because everyone in the room can get the attention they deserve.

Saturday's early 10

1) I realized earlier today that I am a Marmitist!

2) Furthermore, I made a connection between Marmite and sexual discovery at in the 'Love Revolution' comments

3) Brian Wilson--funny. Nyjer Morgan--not so much. aaaaaaah!

4) Why do I love the Smiths so much, seriously?

5) When Pandora gets it right, they get it so right, then 4 songs later it's terrible again.

6) Sometimes I think I'm just someone's macguffin.

7) Will I obtain vegan dessert today? hmm...

8) You maybe first realize you're aging when you don't get carded anymore.

9) Suspects the church's main role is to encourage man's relationship to God and everything else just gets in the way.

10) I bleed vegan cheese, dude.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday's Funky five pairs

1) I dream of vegan green bean fries!
2) Beets and Bok Choy sprouting!

3) People get old fast.
4) Haiku, I love you!

5) Score!
6) A lose lose situation

7) Soon
8) Zebras!

9) Spamboni needs to make me a gadget!
10) Pay pal, no way pal, I'm gonna let you play in my game.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

10 Rainy Thursday Edition

1) Apparently, all you have to do for a free meal is show up to 1st grade.

2) Watched Inglourious Basterds and thought about the parallels between Tarantino and Hitchcock in relation to the Macguffin.

3) Can't go wrong with General Tso's seitan.

4) America, where you at?

5) Marr gets better with each listen.

6) Cherry Lemonade and Pinnacle vodka go together because, well, pinnacle is the apex of vodkas. I don't think she got the joke.

7) Not sleeping again rules.

8) Beets and Bok are now in the box.

9) All this rain should be stored and used after everything dries up.

10)Xiu Xiu is the lyrical extension of Morrissey, taking the suicidal depression joke to new heights and adding graphic sexuality to the mix. Morrissey, it's your move, dude.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

10 is an arbitrary number

Every day I'm going to start a 10 list. They might be connected, or not.

1) Made vegan potato skins.

2) I'm interested in raw foods, but I suspect there is far too heavy a reliance on gadgets.

3) I am growing wary of animation in live action films. I'm talking to you Super. (btw, ... )

4) I can't decide if I like 'The Queen is Dead' or 'Strangeways, Here we come' more/less/equal

5) I like it when I check out upcoming Criterion titles and see that I have already seen several of them.

6) Finally finishing Judges 5 translation, albeit sloppily, is quite a step in the right direction.

7) He knows I'd love to see him. He better know who he is.

8) The struggle to keep a routine when there is no overt force pushing me one of the finest challenges of my life.

9) Garden ambitions seem to get out of control at times, but with each success it's hard not to become increasingly optimistic.

10) Pandora gets the playlist wrong more often than right.